First, Merry Christmas to everyone!  We feel like we have been celebrating Christmas for the last month…..all the holiday lights in Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Italy and now Switzerland have been magical.


After being in sunny Italy, we took the train over snow-covered Swiss Alps (just gorgeous) and landed in Zurich to spend 2 weeks with our Swiss hanai (adopted) family for Christmas.


Like me, I’m sure this past week has presented new challenges to every one who has been sleeved or is on a pre-op (OMG) diet.  Hope you were all able to get through without too much trouble.


Our beautiful (and slim) adopted family in Switzerland

None of them knew about my surgery and they hadn’t seen me in about 3 months (and they’re all beautiful BTW).  They were all very complimentary and happy about my weight loss and I felt really good being among them physically for the first time!



And the meals have been NO problem.  I haven’t gotten sick, hardly any one notices that I’m not eating much or that I pass a lot over to my husband.  They know I am eating less to lose weight so there has been no drama around food and I’m thankful for that.


REALITY IS BACK.  But I have noticed I am snacking on things when I’m not really hungry; it’s the holidays and there’s lots of food around that we don’t normally have.  I sort of think it’s Ok because I’m eating so little I can afford it…..but then I weighed myself (I have a scale again!) and I am up 3 lbs.  So the reality has hit…..I can now eat almost anything……so, this is where I have to be diligent (we all do) about making the right choices…..just because we eat much less than we used to, we can still gain weight.  And I don’t know about you, but I’m not going back!  Especially when I still have 40 more lbs to lose.


And for me, when I eat something I shouldn’t; I really don’t enjoy it.  I had a couple of the small Reeses Peanut Butter cups (I used to love those) and they were OK, but not as good as they used to be.  So I need to remind myself that it’s not worth it.


One fun thing happened; I was given a sweater that was a size Medium and it fit!!!  That was a first.


I am easily crossing my legs again and I like that! Plus there are very few photos I am cropping these days!  YEAH!!!!


So onto 2012…..we are still on the road until March when we end up back in Hawaii…..but at least until Jan 4 we are here and not eating out at restaurants 2-3 meals a day, so I will start working on those 3 lbs.  And I have a scale again that will stay with me so I will have a consistent scale to weigh myself.

Hope all of you are having a fantastic holiday season and are full of hope for 2012; we may have a few bumps here and there, but we are all on our way to a healthier year ahead!!!


A hui hou,

Queen of Crop

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  • swizzly
    January 2, 2012

    Hiya, it’s swizzly from VST — just read your blog, sounds like you are having a great time. My surgical experience in Switzerland was very similar to yours in Germany, though I was able to ‘escape’ the hospital (I swear, it’s like busting out of jail!) after just six nights. I’m glad you are enjoying Switzerland, it’s a lovely place. I find eating in Europe generally to be easy and WLS-friendly most of the time…but the holiday season has been full of chocolate and wine/champagne! I’m sure I’ve put back on a kg or two, but it’s back on the wagon for me from today onward. Good luck on the rest of your journey, in both senses. I’ll be reading…

    • queenofcrop
      January 2, 2012

      Thanks Swizzly! I was actually very happy to be in the hospital for all those days; I felt really taken care of; plus I got that damned bladder infection Day 5, so it was helpful to be there. Plus I didn’t have a home to go back to; I had to get on a train to go back to Amsterdam! But thanks for reading….I am behind on this week’s post but will get it there tomorrow! Happy New Year!!!