Our walk outside of Zurich with the view of the Alps
View outside our apartment near Zurich

Happy New Year everyone!  Whew….the holidays are over so now we can stop be tempted (tortured?) by all the goodies that are within arm’s reach of us during this time of decadent consumption and get down to the business of healthy eating!


All in all, it really wasn’t all that bad for me I have to admit.  I am now 9 weeks post op and still eating so little that having a sweet once in a while seems so minor; I know I can’t overeat anything; my tummy won’t let me.  Plus, I’m just not interested in all that stuff anymore.  My mind thinks I am for a moment, but as soon as I taste a soft cookie, bread, or cake, I realize it’s not as good as I remembered, so one bite is enough.  YEAH!  I think this is a good thing.  So even though I had gained 3 lbs somehow; that 3 lbs is now gone.


But my weighing is just not consistent; my scale is possessed; (it doesn’t help that I pack and upack it in my suit case).  We went to the gym twice and had a beautiful walk with the Alps as a backdrop (photo above).  The scale at the gym showed me at 170 lbs but I’m not going to obsess about it; I feel I am going in the right direction.  The point is, I made it through the holidays for the first time in my life and did not gain weight!!!!  Wow.

Lovely Christmas dinner where the focus was more on friends than the food. What a concept!

It was pretty amazing that none of our friends said anything about how little I was eating; but they all remarked on how much better I looked.  We kept the focus on being together and not the food.  But I am so happy I didn’t tell them; I realize this is a personal choice with everyone, but for me it was the best choice.  I think there would have been way too many conversations around the surgery, or worrying about me, or judging and I really just want to be a normal person; which is what I felt for the first time around these very thin beautiful Europeans!


Joke gift turned out to be a wonderful gift!!!

I am happy my hair has not started falling out (stay tuned).  In fact, I read that massaging your hair every night will help keep it from falling out, and for Christmas (as a joke but little did they know) I got a head massager!!!  I use it every night now!

So as this year comes to an end, I am very grateful for so many things:  my husband who has been a constant support to me in all things including  my weight loss surgery; I feel so privileged to be retired and enjoying a year of travel around the world seeing so many wonderful sights and friends.  I am feeling healthy for the first time in many years. And hey, let’s face it, it’s fun to look better in clothes again!

We left Europe night before last and are now on the East Coast.  I hope to get back to my Sunday postings so this week there are two since I’m a bit tardy.  I think the US will pose a number of new surprises for me on the food front….so check in this Sunday the 8th!


Wishing you all a wonderful 2012 with lots of amazing new discoveries!


Queen of Crop


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  • swizzly
    January 6, 2012

    The Swiss are just lovely about not asking nosy questions or making comments about anything too personal. Though they do bend that rule for Americans sometimes. 😉

  • Bonnie
    January 6, 2012


    I’m glad to hear things are going well with you and that mystery three lbs disappeared quickly. You should be so proud of your progress! You may remember that we were sleeved on the same day and at one point several weeks ago we weighed exactly the same (184). Since that time, you’ve lost 13 more pounds, while I have only lost six. I am currently unable to exercise much at all, but after my total knee replacement later this month, I will be able to begin walking and expect my weight loss to pick up a little.

    Just wanted you to know that I continue to follow your blogs with great interest and wish you well every day.

    • queenofcrop
      January 10, 2012

      Thanks Bonnie! I’m not sure I’m that proud of what I’m doing because I know so many other people are doing things so much better than I am; but I appreciate the support. It really isn’t easy when you are eating at other people’s houses and on the road….I’m getting a little tire and am so eager to get back into a routine; but that’s 2 months away. As for you, I know once you can start moving, the weight will come off and since I’m sitting in a car driving across country and not moving I suspect our weight will meet again!