6 states in one week!

Six states in one week which translates into 21 meals either at friends, in the hotel, or out. We have now been on the road for almost 3 weeks and I am longing to be in a place where I can cook something healthy or at least blend a protein drink.

Don’t forget to squeeze limes on the papayas!

I did do one smart thing; since we’re from Hawaii, I sent some fresh papayas ahead to one friend we were staying with as a hostess gift; but I knew they would be there when we arrived so I was guaranteed fresh papayas for breakfast for the two days we were there.  YUM YUM YUM.  I order them from www.papayas.net which is a local company (very small) from the area we lived in when we were on the Big Island.  Not cheap, but completely worth it. And that made it easy to ward off anything else our host was offering.

In Florida – same sweater Jan 2012

My husband and I are still learning how to order out.  For lunch, my mind wants a bowl of soup but I end up with a cup and can’t even finish that.  I’ll have a couple of bites of my husband’s salad and some sips of his ice tea.  Dinner is a whole other process but either way, I’ve become a cheap date.

New Orleans

When we were in New Orleans, I saw a young kid sleeping in a door way with a hand written sign that said “F___K MY LIFE”….I felt so sad for him that his young life had come to that.  And the drive through West Texas and parts of New Mexico took us through really dilapidated towns that almost looked like ghost towns; (it didn’t help that we were in 40 mph winds creating a dust storm!).  We’ve mostly seen nothing but beauty in the last year we have been traveling, but seeing these things once again so grateful for all I have in my life.

We were in Lubbock Texas this morning and we hit the road again on our way to Santa Fe, New Mexico making our way back to the West Coast.  We were in the car another 6 to 7 hours and just got into our hotel in Santa Fe.

Hope all of you are having wonderful experiences too; if we have learned one thing on our year away, it’s that we are making life happen instead of letting life happen to us.


All the best for a good week ahead….no matter how many or how few miles you travel!


Queen of Crop


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