Just one of the beautiful Maui beaches

We just got back from 4 days on magical Maui, where everyone there — visitors and kama’aina (locals) alike — are very laid back and seem like they are on one long vacation. Tanned bodies, surfer dudes, beach bums, tropical clothes, and drinks with umbrellas in them are everywhere. People are happy and having fun. It’s one of the things we love about the islands; they are all so different, and on each island the leeward (sunny) and the windward (wet-tropical) sides are as different as San Francisco is from Los Angeles.

Shave Ice and cribbage at Lorraine’s!

We had a great time (and I managed to lose ANOTHER lb!!!). I am now within ONE LB of not being overweight… hard to imagine. But, I digress… back to Maui! We went to Lahaina and had lunch at the new restaurant owned by Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac (great!) and then traveled around West Maui to a very rural part of the island and our favorite shave ice place called Lorraine’s. We try to get there when we can, not just for the shave ice but to visit Lorraine and Guy and have them beat me at cribbage. Such a simple life they have; they live in this little tiny village called Kahakuloa and greet those who venture out of the resorts to explore the island with goodies and a game of cribbage (don’t ever plan to win; they are masters). We also bought some homemade banana bread and a fresh

Breakfast Maui Style!

pineapple so we were set for breakfast, Maui style, for the next few days. Eating banana bread is something I am just able to do now, 11 months out. Happy to have just one slice….it’s enough!




View from my daily walk on Maui.

I managed to get my daily 3-mile walk in (which I’m sure helped with that last pound). The bad news is that my hip still hurts… damn it! You would think that losing 81 lbs — the weight of a child for God’s sake — that my hip would have stopped hurting, but sadly it hasn’t. (My feet and knees are good though!) So off to the doctor today to see what the scoop is on that.

Having dinner at a fancy restaurant where they just think I’m a dainty eater!

Before we left for Maui we were treated to a fancy dinner at one of Honolulu’s ‘foodie’ restaurants. We had a gift certificate from a friend we needed to use and I have to say, it was nice going to an expensive restaurant and even with my, shall we say, ‘dainty’ appetite, it was fun to order a nice glass of wine and my own entree without worrying about the cost. I ordered a divine lobster and scallop lasagne (it had one

Lobster and scallop lasagne-divine!

lasagne noodle wrapped around it which I didn’t eat). And we shared a decadent desert. YUM! (Note: $120 GC did not cover 2 entrees, one glass of wine and desert!) But it was fun to dress up, and at this point I don’t think I draw attention to myself in how little I eat and I’m starting to feel like an (almost) normal person!

Where I’m still struggling is what my head thinks I can eat vs. what I can actually eat. Even when I order something small and I tell my husband that I can eat it, he’s thinking to himself… “here she goes again… she’s clueless and I know I’m going to end up eating half of it.” And of course, he’s right, but my head still thinks I can eat more than I can so I really need to work on that otherwise he’ll start gaining weight or we end up wasting food.

One project I did this past week was to take about 10 articles of clothing in to the tailor — she only charged me about $10 per item to take them in! What was so striking was how huge the armholes were on each item, but the reality is that I used to fill those ‘pukas’ (holes) up with my huge upper arms! Can’t wait to pick them up next week. If anyone needs a tailor in Honolulu, let me know!

That’s it from Week 47. Sorry I was tardy this week, but Maui beckoned and it was too beautiful to be inside on a computer, plus I had my little teeny computer with me. We’re back in Honolulu now and it’s nice and sunny here as well. For most of you fall is on the way; it was just a year ago this month that I started on this interesting path (which was also the most intense time of my life) so I’ll talk about that in depth next week.

Until then,



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1 Comment
  • Carla
    September 13, 2012

    Congrats on that 1 pound loss! Every pound counts!!! 🙂