So here we are in Florence and traveling the Tuscan country side. And HOW do I know how much I weigh???? Because once again I found myself looking for a clinic; thinking it was my damn bladder again, but to find out I’m OK. BUT! While I was in the clinic trying to converse with the Dr. who spoke no English and of course I spoke no Italian, I spotted a scale, stepped on and VOILA!!! 78 Kilos!!! So while she was checking out my urine….I was whipping out my Iphone calculator and seeing that 78 Kilos was 171 lbs. So I was happy even before finding out that the infection was gone!!!

So off we went to the charming villages, medieval walled towns and country side “Under the Tuscan sun!!!” The weather was picture perfect (the photo here was taken Dec 19!). We now understand why people are so taken with this area and Italy in general.
Most of our travel has been by train, but we rented a car for 4 days and had a great time (once we got out of the city with crazy Italian drivers!).
THE FOOD. So here we are in what is not only one of the most picturesque places in the world, but it’s also known for it’s amazing food. Maybe it was the WLS, but I have not had a good meal since we have been here (and even before my surgery in October, the food in Europe, to me, is not that great….my apologies to any Italians out there).
It’s really a good thing, because as you all know, bread, pasta and wine are not high up on the items we should eat. I was hoping for one nice pasta dish, but I tried a few bites of my husbands and it just didn’t sit well; and sadly wine doesn’t taste good either and forget bread; it just doesn’t work. So I stuck with my yogurt and protein powder for breakfast, soup or crackers and tuna or cheese for lunch and some chicken or something protein like for dinner. One night when I was trying to cut through the dried out piece of chicken and I was grumbling, my husband “hey, they’re not KNOWN for their great chicken!”

We did meet a wonderful innkeeper at one of the B&B’s in Cortona. (An amazing 13th century town and her B&B is right in the heart of it. And she could not have been more hospitable. Turns out, she’s from San Francisco, where I’m originally from. I liked this photo because I think I was about her size when I started this weight loss gig. And if I cooked up all the goodies she does every morning, I would still be 223. OH!!!! I just realized…’s official!!!! I have lost over 50 lbs……wow.
I have done so much better taking my supplements this past week, I’m still not 110% – but better! And I have had some really good energy so maybe I’m turning the corner. I sure hope so. I have had a couple of situations where I have felt like I have eaten a bowling ball and it’s because I have eaten too fast. So I need to keep working on that.

We leave Italy tomorrow for Zurich (where it’s snowing!). This should be interesting on two levels; first I don’t know snow (San Francisco / Hawaii girl). Second, our dear wonderful friends who we will be with for 2 weeks do not know I had WLS. So let’s see how I can pull this off!!!!
Even though the sun has been shining for us in Italy, the Christmas season is every where with many light displays.
Wishing each of you a wonderful Christmas week and hoping the many Christmas traditions and temptations (food wise) aren’t too challenging.
I am honored you are following along and although I wouldn’t recommend traveling right after surgery, I do believe and making your life happen instead of letting life happen to you!!!
Buon Natale!!
Queen of Crop